First of all, i'm sorry if the pics are too ugly or too blur etc etc. Am using a compact camera and the lighting in my room is really phail especially at night. :/
And most of them are taken at night some more... . ___ .
Anyways, i'll start of with my lens review!
Brand: GEO.
Series: Fresh series.
Colour: Grey.
Here's how it'll look like if you're under bright light or in a shopping mall.
Annnnd here's how it'll look like if you're under low light, out in the streets at night etc. Yeaahh, it'll look kinda dark and black. ;__;
I bought this pair so i can wear it for my mom's colleague's wedding dinner. Aiyaaa, we only go for wedding dinners once in awhile right? So might as well look EXTRA NICE once in awhile too right? xD
Okay, so here's my verdict! :
Color: 3/5
Enlargement: 1/5
Comfort: 4/5
Love the color alot! Not too obvious yet not too dark (unless under dim light). Perfect for daily wear! The enlargement effect is poor as it's 14mm lens. But my eyes are naturally *cough* big *cough* so i think it didn't have much effect when i wear them. But for peepol who has small pupils i think you'll see a difference. :) And of course, have been wearing GEO lenses since last year so of course it's super comfortable! Imo, GEO is one of the most comfortable lenses among others, thought it still cannot beat EOS. (Y)
Next up, it's the make up review! 8D
Few weeks ago, i was searching around LYN forums for some cheap make up as usual heh. And i found a thread selling NYX lips from USA. NYX is one of those 'budget make up' line from the US which is quite famous among teenagers. First of all, the price is affordable and second, they have a wide selection of choices on lipsticks, lip gloss, eye shadows, eyeliners etc!
I've bought four NYX lipsticks and tried out the colors! Pictures below. :)

Arm swatch.
From left: Honey, B52 (weird name for a lipstick and it indeed it's name is the weirdest among all.), Mauve, Orange Soda.
This is my lip without any lip products. Sorry for the water at my lower lip as i washed my lips. ><
This is Honey.
This is B52.
This is Mauve.
This is Orange Soda.
Was trying out my Panty wig therefore the blonde hair. xD
So the lippies colour turned out, well, okay. Not of my expectation but what you paid is what you get right? It's RM10 per lippy btw.
My two fav colours are B52 (despite the weird name xD) and Honey. B52 has a nice pinky color which suits my lip colour. Although i was looking for a more lighter pink color but B52's shade is okay. Shall get a lighter color next time! Honey is more of a nude lippy which i can use for crossplaying! But one thing about NYX lippies is that it's too creamy. Choose a wrong color and you'll end up like this! (Refer to Orange Soda pic) D: As you can see, Orange Soda is too 'orange' for my yellow skin tone. Peepol with pinkier skin tone might suit this more. And Mauve is waaaaaaaay too dark! :/ And it ended up in my mom's make up bag. *emo*
Repurchase? Maybe. But most prolly not. D:
Soooo that's the end of my very first review! How did i do? xD
Will post about my cosplay plans for AFA and CF at the next post!
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